Saturday, September 29, 2007

Is it Time to Boycott San Francisco?

The world has always been full of sick and disturbed people. When a state begins to protect and financially support the very people who undermine it, however, the lines of sanity become even more blurred. Clearly, something is wrong when major American corporations such as Miller support the infamous (and under-stated in name) "Folsom Street Fair" in San Francisco.

For those not aware of the content of the fair, it is a sexually explicit gender-bending event, giving corporate sponsorship to public displays that would normally (and rightfully) put a person behind bars. Participants in the "fair" include numerous homosexual pornography outlets, S&M groups, and the infamous "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence," an anti-Christian group who will be celebrating a mock last-supper as graphically portrayed in the Folsolm Street Fair poster for this year.

This is not a bout of prudery or exaggeration on my part... if you are unfamiliar with the fair, you can look at fair pictures posted on the National Catholic League website. (Warning: graphic content.) These are the very same images that the League is sending to the corporate sponsors of the event, in hopes of persuading them to withdraw their funding.

Bill Donohue and the Catholic League are organizing a boycott of the festival and the sponsors involved, a boycott being supported by religious organizations of all stripes.

The mocking of a peaceful religion is a cowardly act. For my part, I would like to urge the "Sisters" and their supporters to mock the prophet of Islam next time, just to see the kind of reaction it would bring about. How about placing a picture of Mohamed on their fair posters? Considering their willingness to mock religious belief, and the pronounced anti-homosexual stance of the Muslim world, shouldn't a "courageous" and "liberated" event like to Folsom Fair take equal measure of their foes?

1 comment:

Sweating Through fog said...

"The mocking of a peaceful religion is a cowardly act. For my part, I would like to urge the "Sisters" and their supporters to mock the prophet of Islam next time, just to see the kind of reaction it would bring about."

I think it is cowardly and childish to mock Christians.

Check out the silly Folsom Street Fair press release about this:

And compare it with my parody:

September 25, 2008

Poster image draws inspiration from the annual Islamic Hajj, in a poster entitled: Masjid al-Harem.

Folsom Street Events has released its latest poster design for the 25TH Annual Folsom Street Fair. This year, the official poster, drawn by renowned artist Theo van Gogh, uses well-known community members as players in a strikingly original interpretation of the annual, worldwide pilgrimage to Mecca. The poster is the second in a series that draws from well-known paintings, album covers, movie posters, or other iconic images. Community members celebrate exuberant sexuality by donning their S/M regalia, and dancing around not the Kaaba, but a 10 story phallus.

According to Andy Copper, Board President, “We are extremely pleased with the outcome of this poster, and we are looking forward to a particularly inspirational event season. There is no intention to be particularly pro-religion or anti-religion with this poster; the image is intended only to celebrate the sacred roots of raw sexuality. It is a distinctive representation of diversity with women and men, people of all colors and sexual orientations. Just as Mecca draws people of all races throughout the world, we hope people from all continents will come come celebrate with us!”

Folsom Street Events acknowledges that many of the people in the leather and fetish communities are spiritual and that this poster image is a way of expressing that side of the community’s interests and beliefs. This year, Folsom Street Fair is dedicated to “San Francisco Values,” previously used against the San Francisco community for its support of sexual diversity and now used by Folsom Street Events as a way to reclaim power by the fetish community.

Andy Copper, adds “We hope that people will enjoy the artistry for what it is – nothing more or less. Many people choose to speculate on deeper meanings. This is one artist’s imagining of a pilgrimage that is at one both sexual and sacred - all we did was adopt the iconography of Mecca and make it our own. The irony is that homosexuality has a long and wonderful history in Islam. In truth, we are going to produce a series of inspired poster images over the next few years. Next year’s poster ad may take inspiration from American Gothic by Grant Wood, the flag raising at Iwo Jima, or even Raphael's 'The School of Athens' - community members are already preparing for roles in that one!"

When asked about the murder of the poster artist, Theo van Gogh, and the worldwide rioting that has claimed dozens of lives, Copper said: "I guess it wouldn’t be Folsom Street Fair without offending some extreme members of the global community, though.”