Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Top 100 "Faith" Films

Arts & Faith has posted their list of the "Top 100 Faith Films" of all time. I'm guessing that all but the biggest film buffs will find ample temptation to upgrade (or reinstate, in my case) their netflix membership.


Of the films I have seen on this list, I particularly recommend "The Decalogue," a ten part series of films by the luminous Krzysztof Kieslowski, centered loosely on the themes of the Ten Commandments.

The late Kieslowski is responsible for creating some of the most spiritually arresting films in history; yet his work would not have been possible without the great (and still living) composer, Zbigniew Priesner. Here is a great example of their work, from the film "The Double Life of Veronique."

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