I say that I must be "strong of heart" to listen to such things, because it is always painful to listen to otherwise intelligent adults discuss political theories which history has shown us to be destructive paths. Progressivism and Socialism are linked at the hip, because the first (when followed directly) will inevitably lead to the other. Yet there are simple arguments to remember for the next time you encounter a utopian-eyed progressive:

2.) Every socialist experiment of the past 100 years has either collapsed (the Soviet Union) or resulted in a deeply oppressive system (China.)
3.) While also not desirable, brutal Theocracies are actually more humane than Socialist Systems: the over 90 million dead victims of 20th century Socialism bear witness to this.
4.) Economically speaking, Socialism only works until you've run out of other people's money.
5.) Socialism inevitably leads to intellectual and artistic repression: when you study the legacy of eastern-European socialism, you see that it had a knack for squelching genius and promoting mediocrity. Those who truly believe in intellectual freedom must promote the conservative line.
6.) It is true that certain socialist constructs in American work. The Police, Military, and Fire Departments are admirable institutions. But more complex systems requiring intellectual fluidity quickly stagnate. Look at our inability to create a globally competitive education system. Or take NASA, which has moved at a snail's pace ever since her initial innovations. Finally look at DMV's, Toll Roads, Social Security, and the nightmare system of Medicare, and you have ample reason to not let the entire country "progress" in such a direction.
7.) Liberals are quick to point out that there are other quasi-socialist experiments which are working well, and they are right to do so. Yet they never give you the details: These countries tend to have smaller populations (like Canada), and generally depend on innovation and protection from larger and more economically conservative neighbors (like the USA.)
8.) Modern economies are groupings of hundreds of thousands of complex sub-categories, such as agriculture and education and industry. Taken alone, any one of these systems is far too complex to be regulated by a central authority. In socialist Europe, agricultural yield often rotted away or was distributed incorrectly. An example of this was veritable breadbasket of Poland, which -- forced to work under a Soviet system -- would become incapable of feeding her people during any crisis, this despite being an enviable agricultural population.
There are hundreds of more arguments, but these are a good start. How any person or group of people can promote such a ridiculous ideology -- in the face of contrary evidence and the bloody witness of history -- is only evidence of a talent for self-delusion. Capitalism is indeed a flawed system prone to greed and corruption. Yet when mixed with democracy and a healthy press, it is also the only system capable of rapid reform and self-policing.
There are times for progress. Yet when the progress is towards an abyss, regress becomes the only sane option.
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