Friday, July 25, 2008

Professor Myers: Professional Bigot?

Professor Myers, I hope you're reading this.

For the other folks who read my blog: have you heard of Professor Myers?

I'm speaking of the "educator" at the U of Minnesota who has sought to entertain his readers on the seeming nonsense of religion.

In his blog posting "It's just a Frackin Cracker," Myers writes:

There are days when it is agony to read the news, because people are so goddamned stupid. Petty and stupid. Hateful and stupid. Just plain stupid. And nothing makes them stupider than religion.

That's funny, Professor, because those were my exact thoughts as I read your blog.

I won't post a link: I don't want anything of mine linking to this guy's blog. Google it if you wish.

I will spare you the rest of his jagged and awkward prose, his obscenities, and in general his complete demonstration of intolerance and ignorance. To summarize, he ridicules first Catholicism and then religious belief in general, attacking anyone who would even remotely defend "the frackin' cracker."

Seeking to prove a point, Myers asked for and received a consecrated host from a Catholic Mass.

Being an equal-opportunity bigot, Myers ended up desecrating the Eucharist by putting a rusty nail through it, also putting a nail through a page of the Koran. He threw the items into his trash, covering them with his coffee grounds and a rotten banana peel.

Classy, Professor Myers, classy. Not only are you a sad, unfortunate, and hateful person, you are also historically ignorant and religiously bigoted. To rephrase your very own words: you are stupid. Hateful and stupid. Just plain stupid.
It was also quite anti-climactic: after days of promising some sort of grant desecration, you managed only this? The great heretics of old are rolling in their graves and ash-pits.

Does it bother you, Myers, that you're being forgiven? That thousands -- perhaps even millions -- of believers worldwide are now praying for you? Does it bother you that we worry about the state of your soul? That people are fasting for you even now?

Does it bother you that we have answered your hate with love?


People can be forgiven. Institutions, however, are another story. Proceeding right along then, we'll take a few well-deserved swipes at the University of Minnesota.

In a press release today, University President Jacqueline Johnson repudiated Myers' actions, admitting that he was in violation of the University's conduct policy for Professors. Despite this, she will decline to punish him, chiefly because she feels his actions fall under the umbrella of "academic freedom."

Excuse me, Ms. Johnson, but is Myers a professor of Religion? Or perhaps Philosophy? Considering that he is a scientist, what experiment, class, or academically-related activity did his actions fall under? How is it, exactly, that he is protected by academic freedom in this case?

Not to mention the deep irony that academic freedom is a CATHOLIC concept. In resurrecting the ancient model of the University during medieval times, it was the Catholic Church which protected Universities from the outside interference of politics and royalty. (We must note that significant dissidence has historically been tolerated amongst Church intellectuals and hierarchy. This is why Myers is small-fry in comparison.)

We can deepen the irony in suggesting that institutionalized science is also a Catholic legacy (not without its faults), and the Vatican remains a large public supporter of the sciences, even inviting known atheists such as Stephen Hawking to come share their views AT THE VATICAN itself.

Many questions, both spiritual and temporal, arise from this incident. First of all, why is Myers -- typical of so many atheists I have known -- so virulent in his hate of religion? In a largely secularized United States, are there not bigger fish to fry? Are there not more appropriate targets for his energies? What about those who steal from the homeless? Or the guys who raise taxes on oil?

Or what about the guys who call you in the middle of dinner, trying to sell you swampland in Florida? Man, THOSE guys REALLY boil my blood. If you want to desecrate a cold-call list, Myers, I'll do it with you.

What mysterious energy animates the hate that so-called atheists often manifest towards religion and religious thinkers?

If Myers really, truly believes that it's "just a frackin' cracker," then it wouldn't have him so worked up. I believe that something deeper is happening here.

If you really want a reaction, Myers, go into an African American neighborhood, and repeat the same stunt near a Mosque. The words "just a frackin' cracker" will take on an entirely new meaning to you.

Most of Myers' public supporters, commenting on his antics, revel gleefully in his actions. One can't help but be reminded of ancient pictures of witches and devils spinning gleefully around a fire, ecstatic in their sacrilege.

Ultimately, Myers and his kind will be fortunate to even become a footnote in the great history of the Catholic Church. Myers is small-fry compared to the terrible international tyrants who have raged against the Church with fire and sword.

A wonderful Priest I once knew described us as sheep, meandering around, not entirely cognizant of our shortcomings, mewing pathetically as we pass through life.

And so it is, Myers. Stupid, mewing sheep. Baaaaaa. And no amount of desecration will change that. Thankfully, some sheep are smarter than others.

I know, I know: I contradict myself by wasting so many words on you. I'm only human, however, and prone to my own flashes of temper. That, and you make an easy target for satire.

As to all the Muslims you've no doubt pissed off -- well, buddy, you're on your own with that one.

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