Sunday, July 20, 2008

Heartwarming: Another View on Women

I know that many of you will scoff at the notion of purity, but I ask you for a moment to step aside from our contemporary attitudes and consider the following article. In a culture filled to the brim with wounded femininity, are the following words not in the least bit meaningful?,9171,1823930,00.html?cnn=yes

I wonder how many women, given the choice, would exchange their modern so-called personal "freedoms" to live in a culture where they were pursued, protected, and cherished?

A Priest once told me that it is the duty of Fathers and Brothers to protect the dignity of the young women in their family until they are married. At the time, I found it to be an antiquated ideal, a relic of a bygone era.

Yet as I grow a bit older and learn the stories of more and more women, I can't help but be swayed back to such "antiquated" views.

"By their fruits you shall judge them."

Judging by the fruits of their labors, certainly our elders had more than a few things right?

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