David Clayton -- head of the "Way of Beauty" program at St. Thomas More College -- has a new blog up, and it is well worth your time to become acquainted with. His latest entry, Creativity in Science through Beauty," explores the depths of classical beauty and modern physics. The gem of a quote below (from the afformentioned article) will give you an idea of what to expect:
...'Christian culture, like classical culture before it, was also patterned after this cosmic order; this order which provides the unifying principle that runs through every traditional discipline. Literature, art, music, architecture, philosophy –all of creation and potentially all human activity- are bound together by this common harmony and receive their fullest meaning in the liturgy…When we apprehend beauty we do so intuitively. So an education that improves our ability to apprehend beauty develops also our intuition. All creativity is at source an intuitive process. This means that professionals in any field including business and science would benefit from an education in beauty because it would develop their creativity. Furthermore, the creativity that an education in beauty stimulates will generate not just more ideas, but better ideas. Better because they are more in harmony with the natural order. The recognition of beauty moves us to love what we see. So such an education would tend to develop also, therefore, our capacity to love and leave us more inclined to the serve God and our fellow man. The end result for the individual who follows this path is joy.’
Great work! Please visit and bookmark David's blog at:
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