Friday, December 19, 2008

Left-Wing Agenda Erasing our History

Can you erase history to justify an agenda?

Today, I am profoundly frightened. You see, generally, when you mention anything about a "left-wing agenda," you're brushed off as a loony conspiracy theorist. Yet it's all around us. A few weeks back, a friend in Poland tipped me off to an amazing story which I have since sat on, wondering if the American or even the English press would pick up on it.


So here it is: The new Oxford Junior Dictionary no longer has references for words like "monk," "chapel," "bishop," or "nun." When this incredible bout of anti-Christian censorship was discovered, a representative countered by citing things such a "dropping Church attendance in the UK."

Mind you, I'm not surprised. I'm fully aware of the leftist agenda, and I know that it's a short step between historical revision, legal acceptance, and the future financial ruin of Churches one day being sued for "hate speech" or something of the like. It's a slow and steady progression, an agenda which has been codified and in motion since the 1960's.

Open your eyes.

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