Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Convenient Thinking

Robert Reilly, writing on the "Culture of Vice," speaks of self-justifying rationalization. Or, in simpler terms, the art of convincing yourself something is right even when you realize that it isn't (or denying that you are really unsure in the matter.)

This is akin to what George Orwell called "double-think", and what others more simply term "self deception" or "lack of formation." Granted, most liberals -- minor insanities aside -- are responsible and compassionate Americans. Many are my dear friends. One tolerates their idiosyncratic beliefs, hoping that time equates into wisdom. After all, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink.

It's been pointed out to me that I've spent an inordinate amount of time railing against a certain Obama, and not enough time defending "my candidate." To those who have claimed as much, I do believe that you're missing the point.

No, the point is not that I have yet to firmly decide on a candidate (if any.) The point is that the single most illogical and extremist portion of our society -- the far left -- has found a poster-child in Obama. This, despite the fact that he is a professing Christian. I find this fascinating, and as an amateur commentator, I am enjoying publicly dissecting and trying to understand Obamamania.

We live in a reactionary culture. We live in an environment which eschews feelings over reason, and self-justifying rationalization over the pursuit of an objective truth.

Rather than rail more about Obama today, I thought I would contemplate the extreme-left mentality instead. Extreme liberals are like extreme conservatives, save one major failing: extreme conservatives tend to have belief systems that are internally consistent. The far left, on the other hand, rides the high-horse of emotion and rhetoric, because they have little else to offer us. Sprinkle this with some bumper-sticker ideology and soundbite philosophy, and you're ready to vote for Nader.

I mentioned Robert Reilly before. He is the "chairman of the Committee for Western Civilization and a senior fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council." It is educational to read his thoughts on the matter, as they are far superior to what I could muster at this time. Are our leaders engaging in such a high level of thought?


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