Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama's Genocide

There is a deep irony and hypocrisy now present in the White House. As the recent "Imagine the Potential" video segment has shown, President Obama was a prime candidate for abortion.

He is, in fact, exactly the kind of baby that Margaret Sanger would have liked to squelch in the womb. For those who don't know, Sanger was the racist founder of Planned Parenthood, a group she hoped would erase as many blacks as possible. She also worked actively to sterilize black women and other "undesirables."

Yet President Obama supports the mission of Planned Parenthood. He supports the very racist and inhuman agenda whose founder would have loved to make his life -- and his Presidency -- an impossibility.

It's time for the President -- the very man who has promised us a humble and thoughtful administration -- to face up to some bitter ironies and hard truthes. After all, the very act of pursuing humility and wisdom utlimately excludes the Pro-Choice perspective. (It's not a matter of opinion; it is a matter of having the courage to follow arguments to their only logical conclusion.)

I pray that President Obama may come to his senses on this issue. It's time for change.

The "Imagine" video:
Black Genocide Information Website:

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